Wednesday, June 13, 2007


BBC Viewsreport: "Gaza protests against violence" by Judith A. Klinghoffer (Political Mavens)
That is the BBC absurd headline. The video begins with a small march which is brutally put down by gunmen. But the brutality, the mutual kidnapping, the promises of revenge are all placed in context.

No, the context does not reflect the reality that the Israeli withdrawal turned out to be a tragedy for both Palestinian and Israelis or that no one would be more alarmed by an Israeli move to leave parts of the West bank than its inhabitants.

What will you hear? That the Palestinian civil war is the fault of Israel and the Western refusal to finance Hamas. The gunman are not brutal, power hungry terrorists used to operating without red lines but desperate Palestinians “brutalized by the occupation.”

The BBC no longer reports reality, it makes it up to fit its ideology.

Interestingly, France 2 reporting was much more informative and straight forward. The peace demonstration was organized by Egyptian diplomats and proceeded peacefully until it reached the Hammas controlled area were it was attacked. One person was killed. 70% of Gaza is now in the hands of Hammas. None of this information is provided by the BBC.

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