Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Bush, Blair Discuss Role as Middle East Envoy (NYSun)
Could Represent the Quarter of Peacemakers

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush has talked with British Prime Minister Blair about taking a role as a Middle East peace envoy after he leaves office next week.

Assistant Secretary of State Welch, the State Department's top diplomat for the Middle East, talked with Mr. Blair in London on Wednesday, while the White House and State Department spoke glowingly about the prime minister's credentials but said there was nothing to announce yet.

Israeli Prime Minister Olmert also expressed support for Mr. Blair playing a role in the Middle East.

"Officials in the prime minister's office are aware of this idea and Prime Minister Olmert is very supportive of Prime Minister Blair and of his continuing involvement in the Middle East and the peace process," Israeli government spokeswoman Miri Eisin said.

Mr. Blair steps down next Wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blair as Middle Peace Envoy is simply not workable. He is far too connected to Bush, in fact being 'nominated' by Bush poisons the well immidiately. He's British which has very negative historical connotations in the Middle East; can we spell Balfour? He is not seen as being in any way supportive, or of understanding, Palistinian/Arab concerns. Of course Olmert would support him... which in itself would make his choice questionable to Arabic peoples. Blair, whom I still think is a very competent, skilled administrator and leader, is simply not seen as being neutral enough to be effective in the Mid. East. Seriously; his connection to Bush would destroy any hope of his being effective. Bush has been shown to be a very dangerous, world-class buffoon when it comes to international relations... heck, even domestic. In fact the US must be exceptionally anxious, worrying about how much more damage he's going to do before he leaves office. Sorry; Blair is too close this destructive idiot.