Thursday, June 7, 2007



June 7, 2007

Thank California Assembly Members for

Voting for Bill to Divest State Funds From Iran

Thanks to your outreach, the 'California Public Divest from Iran Act' (AB 221) passed out of the State Assembly on Tuesday, June 5, by a vote of 75-0.


Please call California Assembly Members in their Sacramento offices and thank them for supporting AB 221, the California Public Divest from Iran Act. A complete list of Assembly members who supported the measure is below.

The legislation now moves to the State Senate and will likely be referred first to the Public Employment and Retirement Committee. If you are a constituent of any of the 5 members of the California Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee (Ashburn, McClintock, Migden, Negrete McLeod, or Wiggins), please call your Senator to encourage his or her support for the bill. Click here to look up your state officials and their contact information.*


The California Public Divest from Iran Act, introduced in the California State Assembly by Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon), with 26 co-authors, including principal co-authors Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys), Sally Lieber (D-San Jose), Ted Lieu (D-El Segundo), Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) and Jose Solorio (D-Anaheim), will prohibit the state's public pension funds from investing in companies with business ties to Iran's petroleum, natural gas, nuclear, or defense sectors.

The California Public Divest from Iran Act:

  • Requires the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) to review their holdings in companies investing in Iran's petroleum, natural gas, nuclear, or defense sectors.
  • Mandates pension funds divest their direct holdings from companies invested in Iran's petroleum, natural gas, nuclear, or defense sectors.
  • Calls on the pension fund managers to review their holdings in mutual funds, index funds, or other commingled investments, and identify ways to create alternative funds without holdings in these companies.
  • Requires a report of all state pension holdings and actions taken to be submitted to the state legislature on an annual basis to ensure the full implementation of the legislation.


Time to Act

  • Iran is accelerating its nuclear development program in defiance of mandatory U.N. Security Council resolutions.
  • Combined with its support for international terrorism, a nuclear-armed Iran would pose an unacceptable threat to the United States and its allies.
  • CalPERS and CalSTRS are the largest state pension systems in the country. Californians can ensure that our state's financial holdings are not invested in companies that provide Iran critically-needed capital it uses to advance its nuclear program.

Investments in Iran Pose a Financial Risk to California Shareholders

  • The SEC has determined that there is a special risk associated with investments in terror-sponsoring states such as Iran.
  • Additionally, companies that have invested more than $20 million in Iran's petroleum and natural gas sector are liable to sanctions under U.S law.
  • Moreover, economic sanctions, embargos and loan restrictions imposed by the U.N. Security Council further increase the financial risk associated with investments in this rogue state.
  • As members of the largest public pension systems in the country, we are deeply concerned that the state's holdings in companies with investments in Iran pose a financial risk to the shareholders. It is both morally wrong and financially irresponsible for the state to invest funds in these companies.
  • The California Public Divest from Iran Act will safeguard Californians from such risky investments.

ASsembly Members who voted for ab 221

Adams, Aghazarian, Anderson, Arambula, Beall, Benoit, Berg, Berryhill, Blakeslee, Brownley, Caballero, Charles Calderon, Carter, Cook, Coto, Davis, De La Torre, De Leon, DeSaulnier, DeVore, Duvall, Emmerson, Evans, Feuer, Fuentes, Fuller, Gaines, Galgiani, Garcia, Garrick, Hancock, Hayashi, Hernandez, Horton, Houston, Huff, Huffman, Jeffries, Jones, Karnette, Keene, Krekorian, La Malfa, Laird, Leno, Levine, Lieber, Lieu, Ma, Maze, Mullin, Nakanishi, Nava, Niello, Parra, Plescia, Portantino, Price, Richardson, Sharon Runner, Ruskin, Salas, Saldana, Silva, Smyth, Solorio, Spitzer, Strickland, Swanson, Torrico, Tran, Villines, Walters, Wolk, Nunez

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iranian Americans in California seem to be supporting this bill also. This is a great article about it:

Fourteen national and state Jewish organizations and dozens of Iranian Muslim groups opposed to Iran's regime have found common ground in support of California Assembly Bill 221, which would require state pension funds to divest an estimated $24 billion in investments from more than 280 companies doing business with Iran.

The bill's author, freshman Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon), said he was shocked to discover state funds were indirectly benefiting Iran's regime.

"We cannot be doing business with a country like Iran, whose president wants to eliminate another country in the region," Anderson said. "Once they show a sign that they want to rejoin the world community in a peaceful manner, my bill goes away."

Aside from the economic impact AB 221 might have on Iran, Anderson said the primary goal of the legislation was to secure the California Public Employees Retirement (CalPERS) and the State Teachers Retirement (CalSTRS) pensions with wise investment strategies, since both are valued at nearly $400 billion and funded by taxpayers.