Thursday, June 28, 2007


CNN: Weather Still Includes Nonexistent Arab Villages in Israel (LGF)

Congratulations to all lizards who expressed their outrage to CNN about their anti-Israel weather page; it now includes the dreaded word "Israel" instead of "Jerusalem, null."

However, if you use their "Weather Selector" to look up the weather in Israel, you'll still find the names of several Arab villages that have not existed since 1948: Select your weather!

Israellycool pointed it out:

If you select Israel, a list of cities is displayed, which includes:

* Abu Shusha, an Arab village that has not existed since 1948
* Akbara, an Arab village near Safed that has not existed since 1948
* Al Atrun, which is the Arab name for the area of Latrun
* Dayr Ayyub, an Arab village that has not existed since 1948, and where the eastern segment of Canada Park is today

This cannot possibly be an accident. Someone at CNN added those Arab names to that page on purpose.

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