Friday, June 29, 2007


Mideast Moment of Truth - Eric Cantor
Dressing Fatah, the organization founded by Yasser Arafat, in "moderate" garb is disingenuous. It is Fatah that works hand-in-glove with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, its declared military wing and personal terrorist appendage. Since 2000, the group has killed and maimed hundreds of Israelis in a relentless wave of suicide bombings. Largely because of Fatah's own doing, Palestinian media and textbooks teem with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic vitriol. Palestinian soccer teams and streets are named after suicide bombers, television shows glorify terrorists and guests on PA TV demonize Jews and urge their viewers to hate and kill Jews.

The administration should condition aid to the Abbas government on his promoting reform. Fatah must offer Palestinians something better than the engine of corruption and anti-Israel vitriol it has always been. Abbas can start by rooting out the incitement against Israelis that is a staple of Palestinian daily life. And by promoting clean and open government, Fatah can regain much of the trust it lost to Hamas over the years. The writer is a Republican congressman from Virginia. (National Review)

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