Friday, June 22, 2007


A Bad Week for the Good Guys. (Weekly Standard)
THE PAST WEEK has been a good one for terrorists. The birth of the world’s first truly terrorist state in Gaza was quickly followed by a Western response that, if sustained, all but guarantees that terror state’s survival.

While there are plenty of examples, past and present, of states that encourage, fund and even practice terrorism, no nations have ever been created explicitly for the sake of terrorism. Not even the Taliban. Hamas was built upon the terrorist edifice created by the organization it recently supplanted—the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), or “Fatah” as it is has become more recently known. The PLO was created in 1964, three years before the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, not to create the world’s 22nd Arab state, but to destroy its only Jewish state. Hamas overthrew the PLO in Gaza not to change the PLO’s dream, but to fulfill it.

What, then, is Washington’s answer to Hamastan in Gaza? Why, another bailout of the one organization responsible for the entire debacle in the first place—the PLO. After 45 years of ground work preparing for Hamas’ takeover by radicalizing Palestinian society through blood-curdling terrorism, mind-boggling corruption, and world-class inefficiency, the U.S. and Israeli governments have announced their gratitude to Fatah with a billion dollar emergency aid package.

Worse than being just another advertisement for diplomatic incompetence, this feeble response to the Hamas takeover will achieve the opposite of what we claim to want. Force- feeding life back into the PLO will not weaken Hamas; it will strengthen it by giving the PLO another chance to demonstrate its fraudulent duplicity. Funding the PLO will not strengthen any real Palestinian moderates; it will discredit them by seeming to tie their fortunes once again to a corrupt, inept—and immoderate—organization.

Palestinian society cannot be transformed by reviving the group responsible for its degradation. How does one fight terrorism by rewarding those who invented it? Do “Fatah first” advocates believe that financially rewarding the already heavily-armed and well-funded “security” fighters of Fatah, who turned tail and ran at the sight of Hamas gunmen, will lead them now to fight to retake their posts, having gotten a check from Washington? Do they think the PLO’s corruption is best combated by re-upping the employment contracts for its 200,000 dysfunctional bureaucrats—60,000 of whom are the gangsters, thugs, and terrorists associated with the PLO’s 13 so called “security services”?

With Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert dutifully nodding by his side, President Bush called last week’s debacle “a wonderful opportunity for freedom.” How exactly is the resurrection of the world’s founding terrorist organization a “wonderful opportunity” for anything other than more terrorism and corruption?

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