Thursday, June 14, 2007


Predators Craving Israel (INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY)
Most of the world is under the impression that Hamas has won the Palestinian civil war. But the real winner is the militant Islamic regime in Tehran, which is running a proxy war against Israel. READ MORE

Tehran's Tentacles - Editorial
It's impossible to talk about Hamas without talking about Iran. Iran has been arming Hamas terrorists via smuggling tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border. A Hamas takeover of Gaza would create immense new security problems for Israel and potentially carve out a terrorist haven in the region.

It's impossible to talk about the murder of another prominent anti-Syrian lawmaker in Lebanon without talking about Iran and its partner, Syria. Tehran is funding and arming Hizbullah terrorists via Syria, and has rearmed them since Hizbullah's war against Israel last summer. It's impossible to talk about the Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan without noting that Iran is now apparently helping to arm its erstwhile arch foes.

In short, it's impossible to view the serious violence across the Middle East without tracing the significant and rising influence of Iran. Now imagine a Tehran with nuclear weapons - and the ability to spread nuclear expertise to its terrorist clients throughout the region. (Chicago Tribune)

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