Friday, June 29, 2007


Egypt Blames Iran for Fueling Gaza Violence - Alain Navarro
Egypt has reinforced its border with Gaza and accused Iran of threatening its security after Hamas violently seized control of the territory. Fearing an influx of thousands of refugees, dozens of extra police have reinforced the 750 paramilitary troops already guarding the border fence, officials said. Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit accused Iran of having encouraged Hamas to seize Gaza. "Iran's policies encouraged Hamas to do what it has done in Gaza and this represents a threat for Egypt's national security because Gaza is a stone's throw from Egypt," he told Al-Masri Al-Yom. "The Iranian influence in Iraq also represents a threat for Egyptian and Arab national security. This obliges Cairo to restrict its relations with Tehran," he said. (AFP/The Age-Australia)

See also Iran "Played Role" in Gaza Takeover
"Iran has played a big role in what happened in Gaza," Tawfiq al-Tirawi, the Palestinian intelligence chief, said Sunday. "Dozens of members of Hamas have been trained in Iran, and Hamas smuggled in weapons through tunnels not to fight Israel but against the Palestinian Authority." (Al Jazeera-Qatar)

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