Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Palestinian Attacks Palestinians at Israel-Gaza Crossing - Avi Issacharoff and Yuval Yoaz
One Palestinian was killed Monday and at least 10 others were wounded when a gunman attacked a group of Palestinians waiting to cross from Gaza into Israel near the Erez crossing. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the attack. The IDF believes the attack was intended to frighten Palestinians seeking to flee Gaza. (Ha'aretz)

MDA evacuates 5 Palestinians from Gaza (JPost)
MDA ambulances on Tuesday evacuated five Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to Israeli hospitals, including two who were wounded in Monday's Hamas shooting attack at Erez Crossing.

IDF officers said that three Palestinians who had been seriously wounded in violent clashes in Gaza over the last few weeks were located by the Red Cross in Gaza hospitals and were taken in ambulances to Erez Crossing.

The Red Cross coordinated with the IDF that the casualties would be picked up by MDA ambulances and transferred to Israeli hospitals.

However, on the way to the crossing, Hamas stopped the ambulances and held them up for several hours. Only after international intervention were the ambulances allowed to pass.
In addition to those hurt in the recent Palestinian factional fighting, the IDF decided to evacuate those seriously wounded in Monday's flare-up at Erez.

Initially, 12 Palestinians were taken at crossing and underwent examinations by an Israeli medical team. In the end only two were found to be in critical condition, warranting immediate transfer to Israeli hospitals.

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