Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Synagogue terror attack averted (JPost)
The Shin Bet has uncovered a terror cell affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP,) which planned to blow a synagogue in Modi'in, it was released for publication on Tuesday. The Zekhor L'Avraham synagogue is located on the corner of two streets, Nahar Hayarden and Nahal Zohar. The cell, comprising 12 members, was uncovered after the Shin Bet arrested a Palestinian worker employed illegally in Modi'in.

The terrorists had also planned kidnap American citizens in the West Bank to be used as bait for the release of their leader Ahmad Sadat, imprisoned in Israel, Israel Radio reported. One American was captured in such an attempt, managed to free himself from the group. The cell was operating from Hebron but was receiving its instructions from PFLP headquarters in Gaza.

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