Thursday, June 14, 2007


YouTube hosts genocidal antisemitic videos (Jihad Watch)
While YouTube routinely yanks anti-jihad videos, this little antisemitic hate piece, which I first linked to on May 13, is still up.

And it gets worse. Jihad Watch reader Philosophy Major has sent me links to the two videos here and here. Philosophy Major sent them to me because I figure in both, with the familiar moronic jihadist assumption that since I oppose jihad, I must be Jewish. But that is the least of it. The antisemitic hate garbarge in both of these videos concludes with the image above: that of a woman wearing a headband that reads, "KILL JEWS."

Will YouTube pull these videos? Or keep them up, as it has with the "Robert Spencer -- Jew Undercover" piece? Its double standard has long been noted, but this is beyond a double standard: has YouTube become a propaganda arm for genocidal jihadists?

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