Monday, July 2, 2007


Hamas Resumes Rocket Fire at Israel - Amos Harel
The Hamas military wing, under the leadership of Ahmed al-Ja'abari, has resumed launching Kassam rockets from Gaza at Israel after a lull of some weeks. During this period, rocket launchings had primarily been conducted by Islamic Jihad, Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, and members of local clans.

Some 150 members of the National Security organization, originally a Fatah-affiliated group, were deployed along the Philadelphi Route, along the Gaza-Egypt frontier. In practice these are troops that have deserted to the ranks of Hamas. Several days ago, the regular Palestinian police force was redeployed on the streets of Gaza. This is another force that was under Fatah control and whose rank-and-file chose to desert to Hamas. (Ha'aretz)

See also Palestinian Rocket Hits Elderly Couple's Home - Tova Dadon
Palestinians in Gaza fired two Kassam rockets into Israel late Friday, one of which hit the home of an elderly couple in a western Negev kibbutz. The rocket slammed through the roof of the house, then ricocheted into the yard of the neighboring home, where it exploded. No one was wounded, but the rocket caused severe damage to both houses. (Ynet News)

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