Monday, July 9, 2007


The Middle East: Now Playing at a Theater Near You - Thomas Friedman

In the past few years, hundreds of Muslims have committed suicide amid innocent civilians - without making any concrete political demands and without generating any vigorous, sustained condemnation in the Muslim world. Not all Muslims are terrorists. But virtually all suicide terrorists today are Muslims. Angry Norwegians aren't doing this - nor are starving Africans or unemployed Mexicans. Muslims have got to understand that a death cult has taken root in the bosom of their religion. (New York Times)

See also Islam's "Death Cult" - Michael Hirsh

There are many people, in many different societies and cultures, who are angry about many things. Would any other culture or religion produce a group of doctors and professionals who apparently deemed it morally correct to kill innocent people in large numbers? Muslims must find a way to remove this modern cancer - this fundamentalist death cult - that has infected their religion. None of us on the outside can do it for them. (Newsweek)

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