Friday, July 6, 2007


Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews (Front Page)

"Criminal." That's how Jimmy Carter recently described the Bush administration's refusal to support Hamas and its terrorist campaign against the state of Israel. A curious lapse from a human-rights champion? Hardly.

As Jacob Laksin demonstrates in a new booklet, Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews, the ex-president's reflexive sympathy for anti-Israel extremism is sadly typical of his career, both in and out of office. From the late PLO terrorist chieftain Yasir Arafat to the Saudi royals, Arab dictators and militants of every stripe could always count on Carter to spring to their defense against Israel and the West. By contrast, Israel, the Middle East's sole democracy, is in Carter's warped vision a racist "apartheid" state, as deserving of international censure as her terrorist enemies in Hamas are deserving of support.

It is Carter's decades-long service in the propaganda war against the Jewish state that it is the subject of this booklet. To read it, Click Here.

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