Friday, July 6, 2007


Johnston Deal Lets Army of Islam Keep Weapons - Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)
Members of the powerful Dughmush clan in Gaza claimed Thursday that in line with the deal struck to gain the release of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston, the clan's Army of Islam would be recognized as a legitimate Palestinian faction in Gaza.

They also said the accord allowed the clan's private militia to keep its weapons.

A clan member said the five-point agreement with Hamas recognized the Army of Islam as "the weapon of mujahideen [holy warriors] against Jews, Crusaders and apostates."

He said the deal also banned Hamas and the Army of Islam from attacking each other and called for solving future disputes peacefully.

See also Johnston's Release and the Hamas/Al-Qaeda Connection - Jonathan D. Halevi (JCPA-Hebrew)

The Hamas government is presenting its success in bringing about the release of Alan Johnston as proof of the effectiveness of its government in Gaza and of its pragmatic outlook, in an attempt to receive British and international legitimacy for the government it established through a military coup.

A look at the details of the agreement with the Army of Islam shows that the Hamas government's recognition of an al-Qaeda affiliate as a legitimate faction in Gaza enables it to act freely and develop its terrorist infrastructure.

If the version reported in Al-Quds al-Arabi is correct, Hamas has even provided funds and ammunition to the al-Qaeda affiliate, with whom it has cooperated in terror operations in recent years.

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