Thursday, August 23, 2007


Aksa Martyrs Brigades: We’ll no longer honor agreements with Israel. (JPost)

Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, announced Tuesday it would no longer honor understandings reached with Israel, and called on its members to carry weapons to defend themselves against the IDF.

“We call on all our members who handed over their weapons to the Palestinian security forces to report to their commanders so that they can be issued new weapons,” said a leaflet distributed in Ramallah. ...

The latest leaflet is seen as a challenge to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s efforts to dismantle the Aksa Martyrs Brigades and other Fatah-linked armed groups in the West Bank.

According to the group, Israel on Monday night arrested Iyad Bisharat and Ahmed Abu Jalboush, two Fatah gunmen whose names had appeared on the first list of pardoned fugitives.

“We call on all our members to display caution and not to be deceived by the so-called amnesty from Israel,” the leaflet read. “We will no longer honor the agreements that were reached with Israel over the issue of the wanted men. We won’t hand over our guns. This is a lie designed to split the Palestinian resistance.”

The group said it had previously warned against the “plot” aimed at confiscating the weapons of Aksa Martyrs Brigades members in the West Bank. “The Israeli enemy does not respect any commitments or agreements,” it said.

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