Thursday, August 23, 2007


Palestinians Send Children to Retrieve Rocket Launchers After Attacks on Israel - Yuval Azoulay, Yoav Stern and Mijal Grinberg
Israeli forces combating Palestinian gunmen in Gaza killed Yehia Habib, a senior Hamas field commander in Gaza City, in an airstrike Wednesday on a group of armed men who had approached the border fence with Israel.

On Tuesday two figures were seen moving in a field near Beit Hanun toward rocket launchers immediately after Kassam rockets had been fired on towns in Israel. The two were killed by a tank shell. Later it was learned that they were a 9-year-old and a 12-year-old sent to collect Kassam rocket launchers. "If these were children or youths, we regret the use that the terrorist groups are making of them," the IDF spokesman said Tuesday. An IDF source said: "Every Palestinian, including the militants, knows that anyone who hangs around these launchers is endangering themselves."

"This is a cynical use of children but we are no longer surprised by anything we see. A 14-year-old child has already fired an RPG rocket against an IDF force, a grandmother aged close to 70 fired a light weapon against a Givati [Brigade] force recently in the Strip. What were these children doing there anyway? The militants fled immediately after the launch and then sent the children to collect the launchers," a source added. (Ha'aretz/Jerusalem Post)

See also Palestinian Rocket Hits Vacant Israeli Kindergarten - Shmulik Hadad
Palestinians in Gaza fired two Kassam rockets toward Israel on Tuesday. One rocket struck a vacant Na'amat daycare center in Sderot. "The center is currently undergoing fortification works, and this is apparently why there were no kids inside. I don't want to imagine what would have happened had the center been open," said a local resident. (Ynet News)

See also Palestinian Rocket Damages Factory Near Sderot (Jerusalem Post)

See also Palestinian Rocket Fire Continues
Palestinians in Gaza fired a Kassam rocket Wednesday evening that landed near the Israeli town of Sderot. Another rocket landed near a western Negev kibbutz. (Jerusalem Post)

See also 110 Palestinian Rocket Attacks in Two Months
- Joshua Mitnick
In the past two months, the Israel Defense Forces counted 110 Palestinian rocket attacks and 170 mortar attacks into Israel. Even if most of the attacks are being carried out by militant groups other than Hamas, such as Islamic Jihad, Israel's army says it will hold Hamas responsible. (Christian Science Monitor)

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