Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Terrorists Angry at Human Rights Watch (LGF)
The extremely anti-Israel NGO Human Rights Watch is releasing a report that, for a change, actually criticizes Hizballah for its deliberate targeting of civilians and use of human shields during the Lebanon War—and both Hizballah and the Lebanese government are freaking out: Lebanon slams rights report on Hezbollah war with Israel .

BEIRUT (AFP) - The Lebanese government and Hezbollah on Wednesday condemned a report by a rights group criticising the militant Shiite group's attacks on Israel during last year's war, saying the document was a distortion of facts.

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) report due for release on Thursday focuses on the extent "Hezbollah targeted or indiscriminately fired its rockets toward civilians and civilian objects" during the 34-day war, according to a statement by the New York-based group.

But even before the release of the report, Hezbollah and Prime Minister Fuad Siniora were scathing in their criticism, forcing a planned HRW press conference in Beirut to be cancelled.

"Israel during the attacks of July 2006 violated all international conventions," Prime Minister Fuad Siniora's office said in a statement. "It killed nearly 1,200 Lebanese and injured thousands more and 72 hours after UN Resolution 1701 was adopted, it dropped 3.5 million cluster bombs in the south of the country."

Resolution 1701 put a stop to the war that began in July after Hezbollah launched a cross-border attack on Israel and kidnapped two soldiers, whose fate is still unknown.

Hezbollah spokesman Hussein Rahal said Human Rights Watch should start by criticising Israel.

Note to Hussein Rahal: Human Rights Watch "started" criticizing Israel a long, long time ago. How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot?

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