Friday, August 31, 2007


Dvar Torah for Parshat Ki Tavoh

"Cursed (be he) that upholds not the words of this Torah to do them" (Deuteronomy 27:26)

What does it mean to "uphold" the Torah? Does it mean to keep the Torah? Does it mean to stand up for the Torah?

The Ramban (Nachmonides) quotes the Jerusalem Talmud (Sotah 7:4) that this curse applies to anyone who has the ability to help bring other Jews closer to Torah but refrain from doing so. People in authority and those who have the resources to help spread Torah and do not do so fall under this curse as well.

I think in our times this message is very relevant. We live in a time of unparalleled resources in the Jewish community. And yet, it has never been more expensive to educate a Jewish child. It pains me to speak to families who really want to send their child to a Jewish day school, and can't because of the exorbitant costs involved. With all the money being spent on building expensive buildings, why are Jewish kids still not getting a Jewish education because it is too expensive. Why are families forced to put themselves in debt in order to give their children a Jewish education? In is the responsibility of the entire Jewish community, especially those who have resources, or who have a position of authority where they have access to resources, to insure that every Jewish child can get a Jewish education. We all have been given the job of spreading the Torah and making sure that it is accessible for all who desire it, especially Jewish children.

Have a good Shabbos,

Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz

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