Thursday, September 20, 2007


Giuliani: Israel should join NATO (JTA)
Rudy Giuliani called for Israel to be included in an expanded NATO. Addressing an Anglo-American friendship group in London, the Republican presidential candidate said Wednesday that NATO should be encouraged to press the global war on terror.

"We should open the organization's membership to any willing state that meets basic standards of good governance, military readiness, global responsibility -- regardless of location," Giuliani said. "I think we should consider countries such as Australia, Singapore, India, Israel, Japan."

Keen to build up foreign alliances ahead of any showdown with arch-foe Iran, Israel has recently stepped up tactical cooperation with NATO.

But both sides say full incorporation is a long way off: Israel, whose defense strategy is predicated on military autonomy, would balk at the requirement that it consult with NATO partners before launching major operations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

john edwards called for israel in nato 10 months ago