Monday, September 3, 2007


Hamas Forces Shoot Own Supporters at Rally; One Dead - Isabel Kershner
Shots from Hamas security forces hit the group's own supporters in Gaza on Saturday during a rally near the Egyptian border. Muhammad Qdaih, 17, was killed and several other demonstrators were wounded at the rally, called by Hamas to protest the closing of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. Members of the Hamas police force fired into the air to disperse protesters who were trying to dash into Egypt, witnesses said.

Tensions mounted in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah. Early Saturday, a bomb destroyed the car of a Palestinian affiliated with Hamas. On Friday, thousands of Palestinians joined a Fatah-inspired protest, clashing with Hamas forces. Several protesters were injured and dozens detained. A Fatah spokesman, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, called the protest the start of "a new era in the Palestinian national struggle to cleanse the homeland of Hamas gangs." (New York Times)

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