Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Peekaboo! (SnappedShot)
Encouraging your children to play war games with a grown-up Army doesn't seem to me like it would be all that beneficial to their health.

A Palestinian peers from a street corner during an Israeli military operation for wanted Palestinian militants in the Jenin Palestinian refugee camp in the occupied northern West Bank city of Jenin. The United States urged Israel Tuesday to consider the consequences of any retaliatory attack after the bloodiest Palestinian rocket strike from Hamas-run Gaza in months. (AFP/Saif Dahlah)

And, what do you know, this little tyke looks awfully familiar to me:

A Palestinian boy holds an automatic rifle weapon during a Fatah rally against Hamas in the West Bank city of Jenin May 16, 2007. At least 16 Palestinians were killed in fierce factional fighting in Gaza on Wednesday and Israel entered the fray with an air strike on a Hamas position that killed at least four gunmen. REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini (WEST BANK)

Another case of watching 'em grow up and blow up? Could be.

Sadly, I suspect this little boy's life will be artificially shortened as a result of the pervasive brainwashing wrought on him by the Palestinian government and his parents—with the full permission of the spineless West, no less.

It's sad, really.

Check out below the fold for a couple more pictures of awesome parenting , if you want. And then ask yourself why there's no peace in the Middle East. Continue reading »

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