Monday, September 17, 2007


AIPAC’s ex-lobbyists transition (Forward)
The AIPAC lobbyists who are co-defendants in the U.S. espionage case have taken very different paths since leaving the pro-Israel group. One sports an earring and kaffiyeh, while the other has become an internet news junkie.

Weissman ... has put a distance between himself and his former identity as a pre-eminent pro-Israel lobbyist. Weissman has told friends that, free of the constraints posed by his employment by Aipac, he now sees himself as returning to his roots as a peace activist. “I decided not to suppress my political views any longer,” Weissman, age 55, told a friend, according to sources close to the situation.

In addition to the keffiyeh, this has meant sporting a longer haircut and the earring that his Aipac superiors asked him not to wear. He has also offered to volunteer with Americans for Peace Now and Human Rights Watch — though he was politely turned down, sources say, presumably because of the difficulty in associating with a person under indictment for espionage charges.

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