Monday, September 17, 2007


Seeking wife - and martyrdom (Elder of Ziyon)

It's been a while since I visited, where Muslims can find their mates (or, in the case of men, their second through fourth wives.) I saw one interesting profile today from a Canadian Muslim member who names himself Falasteen (Palestine):

Name Ahmad Latif Abu Said

Gender Male

Date of birth 11 November 1986

Age 20 years

well i am palestinian born in Lebanon,Beirut, Moukhayam Burj-Al-barajni
moved to canada when i was 8 years old with my mother my sister and my 2 brothers my father is still in lebanon.i have made a professional diploma in automotive mechanics and i curently work ina garage and a tuning shop sometimes aswell

Best aspect of my personality:
im strong
im friendly
im funny

Worst aspect of my personality:
i get angry too fast(working on it)

The thing I would most like to change about the world:
the entire world needs to change.
1: unify islam
2:rule the world with islamic laws
3:get rid of alcohol,prostitutes,drugs etc etc

My interests:

My political views:
we dont need politic
we dont need western democracy
all we need its ISLAM

Personal website:

My ideal match:
Any age between 18-25 years old
i would like her to stay at home and take care of the kids, education is not important she only need to know what islam is,she must pray etc etc

My worst match:

I love boxing i myself am a boxer.
I Love islam and someday in the futur i would like to go to palestine and fight on the side of my brothers and insha2allah die as a Martyr .i belive its the best way to die
I love Islam more than I love life.
and his personal website (called "Hamas Heros") he adds this nice thought:
hi if you came here its because your interessted in the islamiste group in palestine called Hamas

im mujahid AKA jew killa AKA ak74solja from the terrorists clan in mohaa

i made this site to show the ppl how Hamas are good and that they got nothing to do with terrorists

i made this site to support them too i will support them untill i die


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