Friday, September 21, 2007


Poll: Palestinians Disapprove of Hamas Takeover in Gaza
According to a Palestinian poll conducted on Sep. 6-8, 2007, 73% disapprove of Hamas' takeover in Gaza, while only 22% approve. In the aftermath of the developments in Gaza, 62% support new elections. 19% said they trust news from Hamas, 27% trust news from Fatah, and 45% said they trust news from neither side. 71% said they are supportive of the peace process, while 13% say they are opposed to the peace process. (Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research)

See also Poll: Palestinians See Hamas Incapable of Managing Gaza
A Palestinian poll conducted on Sep. 13-15, 2007, asked: Do you think Hamas is capable of managing the affairs of people in Gaza? Yes - 22%, No - 68%. I believe Fatah media - 31%, I believe Hamas media - 14%, I believe neither of them - 42%. (Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies - An-Najah University/IMRA)

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