Monday, September 3, 2007


Reuters Palestinian Propaganda Watch (LGF)

Here’s some pure propaganda from al-Reuters in the Gaza Strip, starting with the headline, which avoids telling you how this “youth” was killed; if Israeli soldiers were to blame, even if the youth were armed to the teeth and bent on murder the headline would scream, “Israel Kills Teenage Palestinian!”

Instead we get: Palestinian youth killed in protest at Gaza border.

GAZA (Reuters) - A teenage Palestinian protester was killed as tens of thousands of Gazans demonstrated in the southern part of the strip on Saturday against the closure of a border crossing with Egypt.

The demonstration lasted several hours and broke up after dark, local security officials said.

Hospital staff named the dead as 17-year-old Mohammed Qdaih who was accidentally hit by a bullet fired by Hamas Executive Force officers trying to keep the crowd under control.

That last sentence is a real whopper. They were firing live ammunition to “keep the crowd under control,” but it’s somehow an “accident” that a bullet hit someone? When was the last time you saw Reuters give Israel the presumption of innocence like this?

That’s why we call them “al-Reuters.”

And Agence France Presse follows suit: Palestinian killed in Gaza border protest.

But for once, the Associated Press breaks ranks and actually publishes something like the truth: Hamas men kill teenager at border rally.

RAFAH, Gaza Strip - Hamas gunmen opened fire on their own supporters Saturday, killing a teenager at a protest on the Gaza-Egypt border, hospital officials said.

Tens of thousands of flag-waving Hamas supporters gathered at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt to demand it be reopened. The border, Gaza’s only gateway to Egypt, has been shut since Hamas’ bloody takeover of the Gaza Strip in June.

Hamas gunmen guarding the border fired in the air as hundreds of protesters tried to rush the border terminal and go into Egypt.

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