Sunday, September 30, 2007


IDF Attacks Palestinian Rocket Cell
On Wednesday night, combat helicopters attacked an armed terrorist cell identified as having launched Kassam rockets into Israel from northen Gaza. A vehicle containing terror cell operatives, who had Kassam rockets in their possession ready for launch, was attacked from the air. During wide-scale operations Wednesday afternoon in northen Gaza, IDF forces identified rocket launchers used to launch Kassam rockets into Israeli territory. During the operations IDF forces attacked operatives of an anti-tank-rocket terror cell about to open fire at Israeli forces. (Israel Defense Forces)

Palestinian Rocket Hits House on Israeli Kibbutz - Tovah Dadon
Palestinians in Gaza fired a Kassam rocket that hit a house in Kibbutz Shaar Hanegev on Wednesday. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. (Ynet News)

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