Thursday, September 6, 2007


Sign the Al Dura Petition (Roger L. Simon)
I imagine most readers of this site are familiar with the Mohammed Al Dura Case. If you're not, I'm sure the photogrpah of young Mohammed Al Dura being shielded from Israeli bullets during the Intifada is seared indelibly in your brain. The image went round the world, but there is strong reason to believe it is fake.

But why resurrect now this seemingly long-ago pre-9/11 event? Well, as the Father of All Fauxtography, it set a trend in media misrepresentation (and worse) that has not be fully adjusted to this day. Although organs like Reuters and The New York Times have sometimes admitted their mistakes, France 2, the promulgator of this video, has never released its "rushes," which I am told tell a very different story from the one that has been told.

Now, in the era Sarkozy, there is a chance to get the truth. Sign the petition for France 2 to release the tapes.

MORE: For those interested in the case, Pajamas now has a compendium of interesting Al Dura links, including recent trial coverage by Nidra Poller.

RELEASE THE RUSHES (HonestReporting)
France2 still refuses to release the unedited video tapes ("rushes") that its Palestinian cameraman, Talal abu Rahmah, sent them on September 30 and October 1, 2000 from Gaza that became the footage used to allege Israel's deliberate murder of Mohammed al-Dura. As this issue is played out in the French courts, you are invited to add your signature to a petition calling for the release of the France2 rushes.

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