Monday, September 3, 2007


In and Out (BackSpin)

We're struck by the MSM's choice of Mideast coverage this Labor Day weekend. See what got into the news and what was left out:

In: The NY Times examines how the Palestinians scavenge Israeli garbage.

Out: Qassam rocket strikes Sderot nursery school. AP was the only Western news service we saw pick up on today's outrage.

In: The LA Times's take on Israeli porn for peace. And this was a staff-editorial.

Out: The Sunday Times of London took a rare, in-depth look at what Sderot residents are going through, with every street a ground-zero.

In: A BBC photo essay on the Lebanese army's victory in Nahr al-Bared. Imagine the photo selection if Israeli soldiers emptied out a Palestinian refugee camp?

Out: Britain's ambassador to Israel had a friendly meeting with settler leaders, a first of its kind. According to the Jerusalem Post, follow-up meetings are in the works.

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