Sunday, October 28, 2007


PA Arabs Burn Down Synagogue
( Jews arrived at the Yad Yair synagogue for morning prayers on Friday to the horrific site of Torah scrolls and holy books consumed in a blaze that destroyed the building.

It was the third time in the past 18 months that the synagogue, named in memory of terror victim Yair Mendelson, was burnt down by Arabs. Built more than ten years ago, the Jewish house of worship is located near the Binyamin region community of Dolev, northwest of the Palestinian Authority government seat of Ramallah, in Samaria.

The Arabs also defaced the memorial to Mendelson, who was murdered by Arabs at the beginning of the first intifada in the 1980's. They also destroyed a children’s playground. A torn Israeli flag was placed under a pile of rocks on the approach road.

Most recently the synagogue was attacked last January, with many of the holy books and other sacred items burned, including the Torah scrolls. An adjoining building was also set on fire. Both buildings are located on privately-owned Jewish land.

Three months prior, the synagogue was desecrated by vandals who broke into the building and destroyed its sacred contents. The Binyamin Regional Council suspects Palestinian Authority Arabs have carried out the attacks.

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