Monday, October 1, 2007


Egypt Lets Stranded Palestinian Militants Return to Gaza - Nidal al-Mughrabi
In a deal between Hamas and Egypt, around 85 militants crossed into Gaza on Sunday through Rafah, a terminal on the Egyptian border, after having been stranded in Egypt since Hamas seized Gaza in June. The militants, who included senior Hamas figures, had refused to avail themselves of an alternative return route to Gaza that runs through neighboring Israel for fear of being arrested by the Israelis. (Reuters/Washington Post)

See also Report: Hamas Exchanges Al-Qaeda Fugitive for Stranded Fighters
Hamas transferred a fugitive al-Qaeda member to Egypt on Sunday in return for Egypt's opening the Rafah crossing to dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, the Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported on Monday. The unexpected move contradicted agreements Israel had with Egypt regarding the Rafah crossing. Israeli defense sources estimated that many of the group had undergone training in Iran and Syria. (Jerusalem Post)

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