Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Grandmother and her granddaughter nearly hit by mortar round (YNet)
A grandmother and her granddaughter, residents of Netiv Ha'asara, were almost hit by a mortar round fired by Palestinians in northern Gaza into Israel Tuesday evening. A total of five mortar rounds and four Qassam rockets were fired from the northern Gaza Strip Tuesday.

The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing claimed responsibility for the barrage.

The mortar rounds landed in the center of the community of Netiv Ha'asara and caused damage to the windows and the living room of the house where the grandmother and granddaughter were staying.

"We heard the explosion and realized immediately that it was a result of mortar fire," Aviva Poled, a resident, said. She said that it was a miracle that there were no injuries.

The house the two were in suffered a direct hit, Poled said. The pair ran to the nearest bomb shelter when they heard the explosions for fear that more would follow.

Poled also claimed that very few days had gone by without mortars in the last few weeks. She added that there is no warning system to notify of incoming mortar rounds.

This morning, two Qassam rockets were fired into the western Negev. There were no injuries. The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing claimed responsibility for this incident as well.

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