Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Hamas and Fatah's "Grave Breaches" of International Law (BackSpin)
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights released a report slamming Hamas and Fatah for human rights violations during Gaza's civil war. The June violence left 161 Palestinians dead.

According to PCHR’s documentation, the two parties of the conflict perpetrated grave breaches of the provisions of international law concerning internal armed conflicts, especially common article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949. The fighting included: extra-judicial and willful killings of combatants who laid down their arms; killing a number of wounded persons inside hospitals; abduction and torture; using houses and apartment buildings in the fighting, endangering the lives of civilians; obstruction of access of medical and civil defense crews to areas of clashes. . . .

The past 15 months have witnessed several rounds of fighting in the Gaza Strip between the two movements. The fighting has been characterized by grave breaches of human rights and international humanitarian law, including willful killings, abduction and torture. The militants disregarded the lives of civilians when they transformed roof of a number of apartment buildings as sites for them and established barriers in densely populated areas. These places were used in the fighting, thus endangering the lives of civilians.

Here's the PCHR's press release with a condense of the findings. Or see the full report in pdf format.

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