Monday, October 1, 2007


UK Holocaust denier plans comeback (JPost)
David Irving, the discredited British historian and Holocaust denier, has announced that he is to launch a comeback with a publicity tour of UK cities and a series of new books.

Described by a high court judge as a Holocaust denier and a racist, Irving was imprisoned in Austria for three years in February 2006 on Holocaust denial charges after a judge ruled that two speeches he made in 1989 breached Austrian law. He questioned the existence of extermination camps in his speeches and dismissed the gas chambers at Auschwitz as a "fairy tale".

"I have kept a low profile for several months because I have had to sort out where to live and to address my financial situation, but now I am ready to start again" Irving told The Guardian newspaper on Saturday.

Irving was released last December following a successful appeal, less than halfway through his sentence, with a judge saying his crime was committed a long time ago and that Irving had since undergone an "impeccable conversion."

However, Irving says his views on the Holocaust have crystallized rather than changed. He says that the Jews were responsible for what happened to them during the Second World War and that the "Jewish problem" was responsible for nearly all the wars of the past 100 years.

"The Jews are the architects of their own misfortune, but that is the short version A-Z," he said in the Guardian article.

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