Sunday, October 28, 2007


Gaza: 3 Palestinians killed by explosives (YNET)
Three Palestinians were killed in southern Gaza after an unexplained explosion ripped through their home on Saturday afternoon. Initial evidence indicates that the explosion was likely caused by unexploded ordnance from a rocket that had been kept in the house.

Among the dead are a four-year-old girl and a teenage girl. The age of the third woman killed is unknown.

The family's house, located in a village near the town of Khan Younis, lies 980 feet from the border fence with Israel and an adjacent IDF outpost.

Palestinian groups were quick to blame Israel for the explosion and said an IDF airstrike had destroyed the house and wounded six additional Palestinians.

However local security officials said the cause had been either rocket ordnance or an explosive device stored in the house which had detonated prematurely. Terror groups often hide bombs and equipment in residential homes to avoid their detection.

The IDF denied involvement in the incident.

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