Friday, October 26, 2007


Google Earth Used to Target Israel - Clancy Chassay and Bobbie Johnson (Guardian-UK) Palestinian militants are using Google Earth to help plan their attacks on Israeli targets. Abu Walid, a commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in Gaza, showed the Guardian an aerial image of the Israeli town of Sderot on his computer to demonstrate how his group searches for targets.

See also Video of Palestinian Rocket Launch - Clancy Chassay (Guardian-UK)

Images that Shock - Editorial
The Guardian has filmed rare scenes inside Hamas-controlled Gaza - Hamas beating up Fatah dissenters, Palestinian doctors forced by their Fatah paymasters to go on strike or forfeit their salaries, the militants who log on to Google Earth to search for Israeli targets for their Kassam rockets. What these films show is not a Gazan population turning against the gunmen who took the enclave over by force in June, but its opposite - the hatred that Mahmoud Abbas is incurring among his own people. Expectations for the forthcoming peace conference in Annapolis are rapidly being lowered. It may now be put back to December. The star guest, Saudi Arabia, looks less, not more, likely to turn up. (Guardian-UK)

Palestinian Rocket Hits Apartment Building in Sderot - Shmulik Hadad
Palestinians in Gaza fired five Kassam rockets at the Israeli town of Sderot on Tuesday evening. One of them hit an apartment building and several people suffered from shock. More than 10 rockets were launched at Israel from Gaza on Tuesday. One hit near a strategic facility in Ashkelon's southern industrial zone, another landed near kibbutzim, and others landed near communities not far from Netivot. (Ynet News)

Palestinian Rocket Fire Continues
Palestinians in Gaza fired two Kassam rockets that landed in Israel's western Negev on Thursday morning. (Jerusalem Post)

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