Saturday, November 3, 2007


Expert: Hamas, Hizbullah Cells May Be Active in Mexico - Roee Nahmias (Ynet News)
The U.S. is concerned that Hamas and Hizbullah agents may penetrate the porous U.S.-Mexican border in order to carry out terrorist attacks, according to Robert Grenier, the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency's counterterrorism center, in comments published by the Mexican press on Thursday.

American officials are concerned that terrorists will tap into illegal immigrant and/or drug trafficking networks in order to bring people and equipment into the U.S.

The American government is also fearful that Hamas and Hizbullah sleeper cells are already operational in Mexico, and that Hizbullah is funneling money from Mexico into Lebanon to fund Hizbullah operations there.

American officials have become concerned that Iran will use Hizbullah to carry out terror attacks on U.S. targets around the world, Grenier explained.
According to this scenario, Iran could also use Hizbullah networks to hit the U.S. on its own soil.

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