Thursday, December 13, 2007


Polling Jews by David Hazony (Contentions)
The American Jewish Committee has just released its annual survey of Jewish opinion. A few surprises:

1. Whereas it is commonly believed that American Jews are overwhelmingly liberal, the survey shows a more complex picture, with only 43 percent describing themselves as liberal; 25 percent calling themselves conservative, and fully 31 percent describing themselves as "moderate, middle of the road." They still vote overwhelmingly Democrat, though (58 percent, vs. 15 percent Republican). So either voting is out of kilter with beliefs—or something has clearly happened to the L-word.

2. We have been hearing for years about the thriving of Orthodox Judaism, with its high fertility and low intermarriage rates, at the expense of the Conservative and Reform movements. According to the survey, however, only 8 percent of American Jews describe themselves as Orthodox. The vast majority divide evenly between Reform (30 percent), Conservative (29 percent) and "just Jewish" (29 percent). Chabad, take note.

3. American Jewish support for Israel does not really seem to be waning, or at least not seriously. In 2007, fully 69 percent were willing to say that "caring about Israel is a very important part of my being a Jew." ( Haaretz disagrees.) Post-Zionism hasn't really caught on, has it?

4. American Jews are said to side overwhelmingly with Israel's peace camp when it comes to dealings with the Palestinians. Yet only a slim plurality support a Palestinian state (46 percent, compared with 43 percent who oppose it). And they certainly seem pessimistic when it comes to long-term prospects of peace: Fully 55 percent do not believe that there will ever come a time when Israel and the Arabs will live in peace (as opposed to 37 percent who believe they will one day).

You can read the full report here.

Poll: 82% of American Jews Believe Arabs Seek Destruction of Israel (American Jewish Committee)
According to the 2007 Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, 82% agree that "The goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel," while 12% disagree.

37% can envision Israel and its Arab neighbors settling their differences and living in peace, while 55% disagree.

36% said Israel should be willing to compromise on the status of Jerusalem in the framework of a permanent peace with the Palestinians, while 58% disagree.

The survey, sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, polled 1,000 self-identifying Jewish respondents on Nov. 6-25.

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