Friday, March 14, 2008



How long until they can hit Tel Aviv? Will that finally wake up Israel? Kassam

More than 25 Qassam rockets fired at western Negev Israel News

Fragile truce takes another beating as al-Quds Brigades fire rockets at western Negev; student suffers from shock. Simultaneously, seven mortar shells fired towards border fence Shmulik Hadad   

Over 25 Qassam rockets were fired at the western Negev Thursday, following Wednesday's salvo in the area. Seven mortar shells were also fired landing near the border fence. A seminary student suffered shock.

The Islamic Jihad's military wing, the al-Quds Brigades, claimed responsibility for the Qassam fire.

Israeli gov't spokesman: "When another group takes responsibility for a rocket launch, they are subcontracting out for Hamas ... No one could be firing rockets from Gaza without the support of Hamas"

UPDATE: Report: Israel Undefended Against Cruise Missile Attack

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