Monday, December 20, 2004


PA: 'Right of return' a red line by Khaled Abu Toameh, THE JERUSALEM POST
The Palestinian Authority will never give up the right of return for all refugees to their original homes inside Israel, Zakariya al-Agha, head of the PLO's Refugees Department, said on Saturday.

Meanwhile a prominent Palestinian commentator, Hani al-Masri, called on the PA not to abandon the armed struggle in light of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's remarks at the Herzliya Conference last Thursday.

And PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who arrived in Oman Saturday as part of a Gulf tour to ask for financial aid, said Sharon's statements were "disastrous" to the peace process and insisted that the Palestinians would make no concessions on the right of return.

Give 'em a state...
Hamas may be lunatic, but it is definitely not a fringe. Here is AP's description of their latest position:

Also Saturday, the Islamic militant group Hamas marked its 17th anniversary with a march through the streets of the West Bank city of Nablus by thousands of supporters - some carrying flags and pictures of Hamas leaders killed in fighting with Israel.

Dozens of gunmen and several hundred Hamas members in military fatigues burned a life-sized cardboard replica of an Israeli tank as the crowd cheered.

"Hamas will continue to resist with arms until Palestine is liberated from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea," said Hamas spokesman Ahmad Hajj Ali, adding that Hamas will not yield to demands by the Palestinian leadership to stop attacks against Israel. "We warn anyone who tries to disarm the resistance movements because Israel only understand the language of war," he said.

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