Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Israel, Too, Has a Right to Self-Determination - Amnon Rubinstein
International law recognizes a nation's right to self-determination. This right is the basis of nation states, of which Israel is one. This recognition subsumes that a nation has the right to preserve its majority in its own country. However, not all means to that end are justified: Discrimination between Israeli citizens is absolutely taboo. What is permissible? The state may make use of immigration, both by encouraging immigration through the Law of Return and by restricting other immigration that could pose a danger to the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.

Those who claim that human rights demand Israel commit national suicide - because without a Jewish majority, there is no Israel - are also endangering the standing of human rights. The writer, a former education minister, is dean of the Radzyner School of Law at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. (Jerusalem Post)

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