Thursday, April 14, 2005


Israel's big gamble By Cal Thomas
None of the conditions, which are spelled out in the road map, have been met, but that does not deter President Bush, or those who have preceded him, from pressuring Israel to give more.

Israelis' Expectations - Editorial
Israel says Abbas has yet to do what is most essential: Clamp down on Hamas and other terrorist groups. Israel says that by refusing to disarm Hamas and disband its terrorist cells, Abbas is in violation of the U.S.-backed road map for peace, which requires the Palestinians to take such steps.

Israeli officials regard Abbas as a well-meaning but ineffectual leader. They point to his unkept promise to neutralize 495 fugitive terrorists in West Bank cities. Also, Palestinians affiliated with Abbas's Fatah organization have been smuggling anti-aircraft missiles into Gaza, weapons that could be used to target Israeli military helicopters or bring down a civilian airliner. The time for Abbas to act is growing increasingly short. The burden is on him to demonstrate that he is prepared to move against terrorists instead of co-opting them. (Washington Times)

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