Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Israel Preparing for Possibility of Nuclear Iran - Samuel Segev
Israel last week sent three powerful signals that it is preparing for the possibility that Iran does become a nuclear power. [First,] Israel launched its improved version of the Arrow anti-missile missile on Friday, at a distance equal to the range of the Iranian "Shihab-3" missile. [Second, and e]qually dramatic was the formal German decision to equip the Israeli navy with two additional Dolphin-class submarines, capable of launching cruise missiles with conventional or nuclear warheads. The new subs can be submerged for weeks and are difficult to detect.

Finally, Israel allowed the publication Friday of news that Israeli companies are building a new military and civilian airport in Kurdistan, financed by the U.S. Should the Bush administration or any future administration decide to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities, this airport, close to the Iranian border, could serve as the launching pad for such an attack. (Winnipeg Free Press)

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