Wednesday, December 7, 2005


PA Police Give Up on Islamic Jihad Arrests - Khaled Abu Toameh
Hours after Monday's terror attack, PA security forces tried unsuccessfully to detain an Islamic Jihad terrorist in Jenin. Eyewitnesses said scores of Fatah and Islamic Jihad gunmen, backed by many civilians, foiled the attempt. Local members of the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's armed wing, voiced support for the suicide attack, pledging to use force to thwart any attempt by the PA to detain Islamic Jihad members. Another attempt to detain Jihad activists in the Balata and Askar refugee camps near Nablus also failed after dozens of gunmen drove back the PA security forces with stones. However, on Tuesday the PA security forces managed to take into custody three Jihad members from Nablus but said they were not involved in the Netanya attack. (Jerusalem Post)

IDF Gears Up for Crackdown on Islamic Jihad - Arieh O'Sullivan
A senior IDF officer said the aim of the operation was to get their hands on all of the Islamic Jihad terrorists operating mainly in the northern West Bank, in a sweep that will last at least a month. (Jerusalem Post)

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