Thursday, August 10, 2006


Alleged Lebanese spy indicted (JTA)
An Israeli Arab was charged with passing classified military information to Lebanon. The Nazareth District Court indicted the 30-year-old Bedouin on wartime espionage allegations Thursday, saying he had informed a Lebanese liaison with information on the location of Hezbollah rocket strikes and Israel’s military deployment on the border.

According to the indictment, the Lebanese, assumed to be a Hezbollah go-between, supplied the suspect with drugs and received the classified information through cell phone conversations. The suspect is expected to plead guilty to drug charges but not espionage. It’s the first known national security case related to the month-old war between Israel and Hezbollah.

In the name of Allah
The time has come for Israeli Arabs, who express widespread support for Hezbollah, to do some serious soul-searching. Is the Islamic ideology that fights Israel and the West representative of their ambitions? an Israeli Arab reporter asks. (Ha'aretz)

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