Tuesday, August 8, 2006


Poll: Nearly All Palestinians Back Hizballah (AFP/Yahoo)
Hizballah had the support of 97% of Palestinians, compared with 3% who said they were opposed to the group, according to a poll conducted by the Ramallah-based Near East Consulting group. 93% of Palestinians thought that two Israeli soldiers captured in a July 12 cross-border raid that sparked the war in Lebanon should not be released unconditionally even if it means an easing of the conflict.

See also Some Israeli Arabs Back Hizballah Despite Deaths - Wafa Amr (Reuters)
"Hizballah has raised up our heads and lifted our spirits," said Israeli Arab Ali Manna as he mourned two nephews killed in a Hizballah rocket attack. Despite the fact that Arabs make up a third of the 48 people killed by rocket fire on northern Israel, the sympathies of some of the Arab minority lie very much with the Lebanese group rather than the Jewish state. "Hizballah's popularity has increased immensely among the Arabs in Israel," said Rawda Atallah, head of the Arab Cultural Association in Haifa, a mixed Jewish-Arab city that has been one of the main targets of Hizballah attacks.

See also: Hizballah Rockets Bring Death and Destruction to Haifa's Arab Quarter - Rory McCarthy
As always when the siren went off, Labeeba Mizawi, 68, hurried across the street into the front yard of her neighbor and relative, Hanna Hamam. Then the rocket struck. Thousands of small ball bearings rained down in a shower of burning hot steel. Mizawi and Hamam, both Arab Christians, were killed instantly. (Guardian-UK)

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