Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Why would a rabbi circulate an article by an anti-Semite suggesting that the assassination of a pro-Israel professor might be justified? Because the "rabbi" is himself an Israel-basher who has gotten into bed with Hizbullah supporters, advocates of divestment from Israel and other Jew-haters. I'm describing, of course, Rabbi Michael Lerner, whose magazine Tikkun is quickly becoming the most virulently anti-Israel screed ever published under Jewish auspices.

Let's look at Lerner's most recent offense against decency and the Jewish people. Last month, the notorious Norman Finkelstein - a strong supporter of Hizbullah and an opponent of justice for Holocaust survivors - published a call to arms entitled, "Should Alan Dershowitz Target Himself for Assassination?" As the title of the article suggests, Finkelstein puts forward in his article what he believes to be a justification for my assassination as a war criminal, based on my support for Israel. Nor was this the only obscenity in the article. Not by a long shot. Finkelstein's piece was accompanied by a cartoon drawn by Latuff, a frequent accomplice of Finkelstein. The cartoon portrayed me as masturbating in rapturous joy while viewing images of dead Lebanese civilians on a TV set labeled "Israel peep show," with a Jewish Star of David prominently featured.

I FOUND out recently that Michael Lerner, founder and editor of Tikkun magazine, has been circulating the Finkelstein article from his Tikkun e-mail account and under the Tikkun letterhead. Lerner apparently didn't have the stomach to attach the cartoon, despite the fact that the inspiration for the disgusting cartoon comes directly from what Finkelstein writes in the article circulated by Lerner. The article accuses me of being a "moral pervert" who "missed the climactic scene of his little peep show."

The obscene cartoon merely illustrated Finkelstein's obscene verbal image. Finkelstein also claims, quite absurdly, that I "sanction mass murder" and "the extermination of the Lebanese people." (I'm surprised he hasn't accused me of kicking of puppy dogs, scowling at little children and parking in handicapped spaces.) Yet this disgusting article was circulated by a rabbi who purports to devote himself "to peace, justice, non-violence, generosity, caring, love and compassion." This is a rabbi who claims to observe the Jewish commandments against evil words (lashon hara) and bearing false witness. This is a man who ardently opposes Israel's targeted assassination of Hamas terrorists, but apparently has no qualms about the assassination of pro-Israel academics. That's a rather peculiar definition of "peace, justice, and non-violence" Lerner is employing.  


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