Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Boston Suburb to Vote on Divestment (JTA)
Voters in the 27th Middlesex District, representing half of the precincts of Somerville, Mass., will decide Nov. 7 on a nonbinding resolution instructing the district's state representative to support legislation calling for the state to divest from Israel Bonds or companies supplying military equipment to Israel.

This is the "last gasp of the divestment-from-Israel movement," says Alan Ronkin, deputy director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston, which supported a local coalition that aggressively fought an earlier, unsuccessful divestment campaign in Somerville in December 2004.


Merrill Lynch: "Pick Israel to Avoid Global Slowdown" - Susan Lerner (Jerusalem Post)
Anticipating the U.S. economic slowdown will continue, Merrill Lynch on Monday recommended that investors "park their money in Israel" by year-end to protect themselves.

Google Opens Second Israel R&D Center - Batya Feldman (Globes)
Google Inc. has announced the opening of its second R&D center in Israel. The company's existing center is in Haifa while the new one will be located in Tel Aviv and headed by Prof. Yossi Matias of the School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University.

See also IBM Establishes New Software Lab in Israel (Israel21c)

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