Friday, February 9, 2007


It's Not Just French Jews Feeling the Heat of Hatred - Jeff Saperstein
Each year I teach a university seminar in Paris. This year I spoke to 60 French Jewish community activists and I am sorry to report that there is a state of high anxiety among many of our French compatriots - Jew and non-Jew. They have a feeling of foreboding for what they believe will come. During my presentation, a woman said to me, "You American Jews are 15 years behind us. Our universities are now filling with anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist professors (funded through Islamic sources) who bring attacks on Israel into the classroom regardless of what the course subject is. What are you doing in America to stop what has become the reality in our universities from happening to you?"

The fluctuating numbers of anti-Semitic incidents or physical assaults does not really portray the daily onslaught of the new anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic slant of the newspapers and magazines, and the media and intellectuals' demonizing of Israel. I hear more often from Jews there is no future for us in France. They look to Israel and the U.S. as havens when the time comes to go. (Jewish News Weekly of Northern California)

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