Friday, February 9, 2007


Israeli Hospital Treats Palestinian Fighters - Joshua Mitnick (Washington Times)
Several wounded Palestinians a day have been arriving at Ashkelon's Barzilai Medical Center from the bitter Palestinian struggle between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza. When Abdel Hamin Odeh, the father of Adel Odeh, a wounded security officer from Abbas' Fatah faction, tells a reporter that he wants "to say thank you to all of the people of Israel," it seems that the center's work is changing at least some hearts and minds. Rafat Shelieh gestured toward his younger brother, Abdallah: "He would have lost a leg. The treatment is a thousand times better here than in Gaza." Most of the wounded Palestinians have come from Fatah, in part because Hamas security forces have set up military positions at Gaza City's main facility, Shifah Hospital. Barzilai's chief medical director, Ron Lobel, says the Israeli hospital has treated 124 patients from Gaza in the past year.

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